Sunday 10 July 2011

Notes to my son 2 - Who's she?

Notes to my son 2

I always hated it when my Nana used this phrase to correct my grammar as a child. But now I am a mum I find myself using it all the time when my son refers to me as she. I hate it, but I just can't stop myself!

I tried black thread for this piece but don't like it as much, it seemed to be harder to work with than the red. I also didn't plan out the design as well, I need to up my game on the next one. Charted at

Friday 8 July 2011

Don't say what say pardon - Notes to my son 1

Notes To My Son 1

I always swore that there were phrases that I would never say to my son, you know the ones, our mothers uttered them on a regular basis growing up. They never seemed to make any sense and of course we took absolutely no notice of them whatsoever. As my son grows I realise that like almost every other rebellious teenage girl before me, I am in fact turning into my mother/grandmother. These phrases fall off my tongue before I can stop myself, I wince ruefully each time I realise that I have said one.

I have just rediscovered cross stitch after a break of 10 years and am really loving all the new work that I have discovered on the Phat Quarter Flickr group. Rather than buying a kit that I would likely never finish, I decided to create a series of cross stitch pictures immortalising the things I say to my son. This one was charted at

Thursday 16 June 2011

Getting a new haircut.

For most of my life I have had short hair, in a variety of colours, my natural black, red, purple, blue, green (that one was an accident) and more recently auburn with a smattering of grey. Recently I have been growing it and it is getting pretty long for me especially the fringe, which I usually keep short as I wear specs and tend to do a lot of fairly close work, so I have been making some bead embroidery hair clips.

Most of them have been kind of floral, dainty and sweet,

And then there was this one, which is my favourite, because I can now truthfully tell my son that I have eyes in the back of my head.

I am getting a new haircut tomorrow, I am hoping that I don't get too carried away and have it cut too short for clips.


Tuesday 14 June 2011

One Lump or 5!

Wow, I can't believe how quickly this stitched up! I have been mainly beadweaving for the last 8 years and have got used to projects taking quite a long time so to have the embroidery finished in less than an evening was a revelation! My son enjoyed helping too, he is in his schools sewing club so he was quite used to doing back stitch although he found working with the dark fabric difficult, so I did the up stitches and he did the down.

Next, I need to hide the back and fix the embroidery in the hoop, I'll be using Carina's great instructions



Sunday 12 June 2011

My Next Project - A Gift for My Sweet (Toothed) Mum

Next month is my mum's 60th birthday, I will be buying her something special to keep (we are a family of women who likes BIG earrings!) but I also want to make her a few little treats, there is nothing like having lot's of little gifts to open, is there? I don't think it really matters what is in them even, it is the excitement and surprise that makes them fun.

Mama is a coffee drinker and has a very sweet tooth, the joke is that she likes the spoon standing up and 5 sugars (she's not quite that bad), so when I saw Wild Olive's pattern featured on the Feeling Stitchy June Stitch Along, I knew it would be perfect! Feeling Stitchy is slowly but surely tempting me back to my embroidery roots and I am looking forward to joining in my 1st stitch along.

sugar cube embroidery

I will be changing the 2 to a 5 in honour of our family joke and I am planning to stitch the design on some denim upcycled from a pair of her beloved grandson's jeans. My son loves to get involved in my crafting so I will get him to stitch part of the design too, she will love it that much more!




Welcome to my new blog where I will be sharing my adventures in crafting, upcycling and anything else that captures my fancy!

I will be back soon with a proper post.
